Research has shown...
What does that even mean, and how does it relate to you?
Grab the ebook that gives you the details and a way forward to rid yourself of LBP once and for all!
Key Take Away's
What is "Non - Specific" LBP?
"Non-Specific" is such a blanket term... let's make sure you get the meaning and understand the research behind it. Education is the 1st step in moving you to a pain free future.
Does it relate to you?
You'll find out straight out of the gate if this is relatable to you! And being that 85-90% of diagnoses are NonSpecific, chances are you'll relate all too well.
can it be fixed?
That's the big question! So many people go through life suffering with the discomfort and dull aches day in and day out. It's exhausting and not only taxes you physically, but mentally as well.
" I have been to a few stretch/massage therapist, including some physical therapists and chiropractors. There has been nobody close to having the anatomical and physiological knowledge, along with the technical skills, as Ron Collins with the Stretch Clinic! He helped me more in 2 weeks than most have accomplished in months. I recommend him both as a physician and a client to all my friends and patients."
Dr. Robert F. - Sarasota, FL
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